Monday 23 September 2013


Jesus had sent his followers out to talk about God in the villages around the sea of Galilee. And when they returned, they were followed by thousands who had heard the message. Thousands of people had come to see Jesus, to hear him teach and to be healed of sickness.

                Jesus often wanted to escape from the crowds, to have time to teach his disciples (followers). One day, he and his disciples got into a boat and set out for a lonely spot where they could eat, rest, talk and be together. But those who saw them leave called to lake. They got to the other side ahead of the boat carrying Jesus and his followers.

                Jesus felt sorry for the people who wanted so much to be with him, so he taught them, and healed those who were sick and asked for his help. They were far away from the village, and Jesus had not eaten all day. Neither had the thousands of people who had followed him. One of the disciples said that Jesus should send the people back to their homes to eat.

                But Jesus replied, “Give them something to eat.”

                And the disciple asked, “Shall we go back to the village and buy bread for the crowds, so that they can eat?”

                Jesus said, “How many loaves and fish do you have?”

                The disciple looked, and found only a little food. He said, “Five loaves and two fish.”

                Jesus turned to the crowd, and told them to sit down on the green grass in groups of fifty and hundred. Then taking the five loaves and two fish, he looked up to Heaven and blessed the food. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the people’ and he divided the fish among them all.

                Everyone in the great crowd ate and was satisfied Indeed they could not even finish all the food. There wer twelve baskets of bread and fish left over.

                Thus form the five loaves and the two fish, five thousand people had been fed.


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