Thursday 5 September 2013

Banking Terminology 2/8

Bank Deposits: The funds that are deposited in a bank. In reality they are simply records of indebtedness of a bank to the depositor and they arise from the character of banks as financial intermediaries.

Bank Note: A note issued by a bank for a sum of money which it promises to pay the bearer on demand.

Bank Rate: It is the rate of discount at which the Central bank (RBI) of country discounts first class bills. It is the rate of interest at which the central bank lends money to the commercial banks. Bank rate is a direct quantitative method of credit control in the economy. (In short long term (more than one year) interest rate of RBI, also discount rate of RBI)

Bankruptcy: A legal proceeding under which the property of an insolvent debtor is taken for the benefit of his creditors generally.

Base Rate: It is minimum rate of interest below which a bank is not suppose to lend (It is calculated taking into account of follow
I)                   Cost of Deposits
II)                Negative carry on CRR,SLR
III)             Loan Loss Providence
IV)             Profit mark

Bill: A short term debt instrument, which is in the form of a document ordering the drawee (i.e. the debtor) to pay the drawer (the creditor) a stated sum at specified date, or ‘at sight’ which means on demand.

Bill of exchange: It is an instrument in writing, containing an unconditional order, signed by the banker, directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.

Bridge loan:  A loan made by a bank for a short period to make up for a temporary shortage of cash.

Business Facilitator: People who provide learning to rural masses about financial products provided by banks and Government schemes for rural uplift meant.

Business Correspondents: The intermediaries between bank and rural masses who provide small business transactions to public on behalf of bank.

Call loan: A loan which may be terminated or called at any time by the lender or borrower.

Capital Asset: The term used for an asset, that is not brought or sold as a part of the daily running of the business. Examples include real estate, plant equipment etc.



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