Thursday 29 August 2013

Hackers and Its Types

What is Hacking?

Hacking means breaching in to a computer or in a system or into software in which the access is private. It means getting in and maintaining access in a cyber place where you don’t have rights to enter.

Types of Hackers:
 There are three types of hackers and are:

1.       White hat hackers:

They are ethical hackers and just work as a security expert in any bank/society/online company etc. They just find vulnerabilities and possible attack in a system and make that system more secure. They have permission to make testing of vulnerabilities in the system and they do there self attack and tell what the vulnerability is. These people never harm any thing.

2.                   Black hat hackers:

They are unethical hacker and they breach into a system for fun or money. There is no specific reason or issue for which they do hacking.

3.                   Red/Grey hat hacker:

They are those people who do hacking for money. These people will have high knowledge that they can break through any thing if you pay money.

SCRIPT KIDDIE: A person who use tools with no contribution to hacking community, kiddies don’t know how to create their own tools or use advanced tools and constantly use the same tools to hack a  server or system, often not effectively. To some degree all hackers are script kiddies, but a good hacker has the ability to make intelligent decisions such as determining false positives from virus scans.

VULNERABILITY:  A weakness that could lead to compromised security. It may be discovered accidentally. Somebody may write a script to exploit this vulnerability.

WAR DRIVERS: People who take some kind of portable device, for example a USB drive or a laptop and just go to a public location. Then they pick up a wireless signal and possibly see what software it is running and may be find exploits for that software, but war drivers are not limited to this. They often just use this for free internets in the case they don’t have access to it themselves.

BLACK BOX ATTACKS: Security testing with no knowledge of the network infrastructure, for example attacking a company from the internet.

WHITE BOX ATTACKS: Security testing with complete knowledge of the network infrastructure.

KEYLOGGER: A key logger is a program usually runs secretly in the background that record what user type, then the typed output is usually sent via email or uploaded by the key logger.

CRYPTER: A crypter is used to make well known hackers viruses(such as key loggers and botnets) undectable by antivirus software by changing the virus program signatures that antivirus programs have in their databases to make them easier to spread.

BINDER: A binder is used to bind a virus (such as keylogger etc) to another program making it undetectable and able to fool users into thinking its something else.

SQL INJECTION: A way of manipulating a websites forms as a way of retrieving its databases. This can be used to find users and passwords as well as obtaining admin on a website in order to deface it.

COOKIE STEALING/SPOOFING: Used to fool a victim into clicking a link that will steal their cookies to websites which you can then use to have their privileges to various parts of a website or forum.

BRUTEFORCER: Program used to crack passwords by trying every password on various forms.

MD5HASH: How passwords are usually stored, this is a way of crypting a password so it is not plain text, harder passwords are very hard to crack but simple ones have often been cracked and can be found online md5 databases.

SOCIAL ENGINEERING: Tricking a victim into doing something you want them to do by disguising or enticing them into doing what you want.

PISHING: Creating a fake login page to a well known website and then fooling a victim into entering their information on the fake login page through social engineering.

PROXY: A proxy is a webserver that allows you to use it as a barrier between you and something else, this allows you to stay anonymous and hide your IP.

WHALING: Hacking the hackers is known as whaling.


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